Seminars with Suzanne Jonas, Ed.D.

Suzanne Speaks
Most of the topics below can be formatted as:
~1-2 hour talks
~ or half to full day workshops
Music Related Seminars
Give Your Brain a Tune Up!
Ever wonder if music could make you smarter? Or at least more productive? In this presentation you will learn which music increases left, right, and whole brain performance. We will explore new brainwave technologies like Hemi-Sync and HoloSync. Come learn how to choose and administer the most appropriate music to enhance whatever you are doing during your day.
Take Two CDs and Call Me in the Morning
Stressed? Got aches and pains? Tired of being fatigued? Music and sound can be used in your everyday life to effectively decrease your symptoms, help you relax and sleep, and many more things. It is so easy to use. Find out the best choices to put well being back in your life.
Creating Yourself with Sound
“Is there a frequency for love? creativity? prosperity? health?” Quantum physics demonstrates that every thing has a resonant frequency or sound, like body parts and thoughts. We are a walking one person band! In this presentation we will explore the concept of tuning ourselves with frequencies that are both internally and externally generated.
Music Medicine (all day workshop for Healthcare Professionals)
An introduction to the many successful uses of music and sound in healthcare. Includes an exploration of how and why music works, new uses of sound for healing, and experiential exercises. Also includes practical implementation for a variety of symptoms.
Music: the Language of the Soul
Music is the bridge that connects our everyday life and our higher/God selves. We will explore several pieces of 'soul' music and have the opportunity to connect with your spirit guide/higher self
Guided Imagery and Health
This workshop focuses on the use of imagery to both access individual knowledge of one's own physical and emotional health, and the creation and implementation of healing imagery. Music and art are used in conjunction.
The Sound of God - 1/2 hour 'talk'
A sonic tour of music that contains the Divine. Includes an exploration of composers, performers, and how to hear the sound of God in music
Mozart, the Photon, and the Divine ( 3 hour workshop only)
Ever get the chills from listening to music? Who are these composers and musicians that can give us these thrills? How do these responses relate to quantum physics and the chakra system? And how do we find music that would connect us to the Divine? During this presentation we will examine some of the threads in the ever expanding tapestry of our Universe, listen to threads that assist in expanding our consciousness, and explore 'chilling' music as it relates to the charkas.
Give Your Chakras a Tune Up
This all day workshop focuses on assessing the balance of each of your 8 major
chakras; learning easy physical and emotional exercises to assist in rebalancing
them, and identifying and experiencing appropriate music that supports and
nurtures each chakra.
Therapeutic Drumming
Clinical studies demonstrate that drumming led by a trained facilitator can achieve beneficial health effects such as: decreasing stress, depression, and pain; increasing immune system, communication, gait, mood, and relationships; and reducing burnout.
This workshop is 1-2 hours long and will explore emotions and moods, stimuate creativity, reduce stress and tension, decrease pain, and have fun.
No experience necessary. No drums provided.
Additional Great Seminars
Anger is Killing Me
Do you eat all the 'right' foods and take lots of supplements and still get sick?
Do you have road rage? Teenager rage? Or boss rage?
Medical research shows that no matter how many times you work out at the gym or how careful you are to eat correctly, you are putting yourself at risk if you don't manage your anger effectively. In this workshop we will explore the meaning of anger, see its impact on our hearts through a biofeedback computer program, and discover the impact of our thoughts on our bodies.
You will also learn a quick process to release anger and find a better solution to the event. This will decrease many physical symptoms, increase focus, concentration, problem solving skills, and creativity. (this is most often combined with the Forgiveness Heals for a full day workshop)
Stress Busting
Ready to crawl out of your skin? Can't sleep? Lashing out at everyone?
Learn how to say 'no', use music and sound to sail through your day and night, and several short effective techniques to diffuse stressors. As we realize the mind and body are always affecting one another, we need to find new ways of looking at situations in order to stay healthy.
(Full day session includes discussion and demonstrations of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and a stress busting drumming circle.)
Forgiveness Heals
Do you have unresolved angers? Is there someone who 'done you wrong'? Are you harboring feelings of resentment? Forgiveness, a word we hear often, is the great need of our world if we are ever to live in peace and harmony. It is one of the least understood concepts of our time, yet it affects not only our emotions but our physical health as well. Learn why it is so hard to forgive, how to begin the process, and release toxic thoughts.
A Hero's Journey - Opening Your Heart
This all-day workshop only will use the 5000 year old epic Hindu poem, the Ramayana, as the framework to assist you in taking the Hero's Journey to transforming your hurts, fears, and feelings of separation into understanding, forgiveness, gratitude, and love.
We will use story, music, guided imagery, inner dialoging, physical exercises, frequencies, and art.
The United States is currently moving from the 3rd Chakra to the 4th. It is a move from focusing on the self and personal identity that can manifest as anxiety, pain, anger, disease, egotism, and fear, to a state of expansion, unconditional love, and transcending the ego. This is a state without limiting beliefs and judgments. It is a state of Inner Harmony that greatly affects all chakras. Opening the Heart brings heaven to earth.
We will explore the ancient Hindu Vedas and current scientific discoveries of quantum physics relating to our interconnectedness. AND, we will use modern technology in the form of HeartMath Biofeedback to see whether your heart has truly opened.
Opening Your Heart and High Heart Chakras
In this time of turmoil, terrorism, individual acts of violence, and disasters, being in your heart centers allows you to move through all of
these experiences with grace and wisdom. Being able to love all unconditionally and knowing our own soul's journey will bring inner peace
and assistance to all.
The first part of the workshop will focus on using a heart assessment, music, yoga positions, and HeartMath to assist in opening the 4th chakra,
the Heart Chakra. You will be able to see on the EMWaves proveded, whether you have opened your heart.
The second part is devoted to discovering your soul's desires. We will do this through assessment, music, guided imagery.

“I have been witness to the amazing work of Suzanne Jonas for almost two decades. I am especially familiar with her ability to teach the profound lessons of the power of sound as healing. She is highly effective in helping others to shape meaning for themselves and their lives through sharing openly her rare gift.”
Doris J. Shallcross, Ed.D. Professor Emeritus, University of MA, author of: Teaching Creative Behavior; Leadership: Making Things Happen; Consulting Editor, Journal of Creative Behavior
“Suzanne Jonas brings a fresh, exciting approach to health and healing with her public presentations on sound. I "resonated" to her material on sound, music and rhythm. She is tuned into the latest research about those tools that bring balance and inner harmony.”
Michael Betz, Professor Emeritus at University of TN and author of Enriching Health: Pathways to Complementary Therapies
"Spending the day with Dr. Jonas was amazing. We are looking forward to future conferences."
Yoly Harmuth RN, BSN, Center for Nursing Excellence