News Articles
Why we use do not compress our files.
Parkinson’s CD Study Summary [Rush University] 8/2011
Music’s Effects on Parkinson’s Symptoms
Suzanne Jonas, Ed.D. 7/2010
The Effect of Music Reinforcement for Non-Nutritive Sucking on Nipple
Feeding of Premature Infants. Standley, Jane. Pediatric Nursing/May-June/Vol.36/No.3
35,000 Year Old Flute - oldest known instrument
Joyful Music is Powerful Heart Medicine, Researchers Find
Hearing Loss and Earbuds
NY Times Tips to Avoid Hearing Loss
Web delivers new worry for parents: Digital Drugs
Metal Music Can Weigh Heavily on Teens Mental State
Research shows classical music relaxes train communters
and reduces anti-social behavior. Music used in London & Canada reduces crime, too.
High Pitched Device serves as teen repellant.
Using sound waves kills coliform bacteria in milk. Greener way to pasteurize milk.
Sound wave freezer! Using sound waves to produce cold to freeze your ice cream.
Fermenting grapes influenced by music to make great wine.