The Short Test of Musical Preferences
The STOMP is a 14-item scale assessing preferences in music genres. The STOMPR (below) is a revised version of the scale assessing musical preferences for 23 genres. In the original version, there were four broad music-preference dimensions. Subsequent analyses suggest that five factors provide a better fit for the data. This assessment was composed by:
Rentfrow, P. J., Goldberg, L. R., Stillwell, D. J., Kosinski, M., Gosling, S. D., and Levitin, D. L. (2012). The song remains the same: A replication and extension of the MUSIC model. Music Perception, 30, 161-185.
If you want to hear musical clips used in the study of the various genres, go to the link and use music examples from Sound Files for Study 1.
Note: The soundtrack and oldies genres don’t load on a single factor. So you can remove
those two genres from the STOMPR or simply not score them

Compute the average score for each dimension using the items listed next to each label.
For Instance, add the numbers you put down for #6, 11, and 13, then divide by 3.
That is your score for Mellow.
Divide your total score for Unpretentious by 3
Divide your total score for Sophisticated by 7
Divide your total score for Intense by 4
Divide your total score for Contemporary by 4
Mellow: 6, 11, 13
Unpretentious: 5, 16, 20
Sophisticated: 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 12, 15
Intense: 1, 10, 17, 21
Contemporary: 8, 18, 19, 22
Record your Scores:
Do you feel that this describes you?
Music Preferences and Your Personality
What does your taste in music reveal about you?
Updated August 27, 2018