Music & Sound for Traumatic Brain Injury
Sound Healing Podcast - 3 part series
BioAcoustics: http://www.soundhealthinc.com/
Tuning Forks: http://www.biosonics.com/
Dr. Alfred Tomatis work: http://www.tomatis.com/
Dr. Valerie Hunt's work: http://www.bioenergyfields.com/
Info on wholistic medicine: http://www.newmedicine.ca/
University Of Metaphysical Sciences: http://www.umsonline.org
Info on sound and sound therapies: http://soundsforhealth.blogspot.com
Heartmath biofeedback tools: www.heartmath.com
Wide range of programs for various physical issues
Downloading Your CDs to an iPod without compression
Discover Magazine looks at lack of quality in MP3 tracks
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Rich Flanders http://www.richflanders.com -Authentic, lushly textured renderings of the most beautiful songs of the wide open spaces sung by Rich Flanders.
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